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A brief outline of the environment you selected (i.e., home, workplace, school)

Throughout this course, you have been applying an epidemiological approach to analyze a population health problem. In previous weeks, you have developed distinct sections of your paper; it is now time to finalize and submit a cohesive, polished version of work. This paper serves as your Major Assessment for this course and must be uploaded by Day 2  Tuesday 5/8/18 6pm of this week.

To prepare:

  • Finish      incorporating any feedback from the submitted sections of your paper.

To complete:

Write a 12- to 15-page paper that includes  an introduction and a conclusion as well as the following:

Section 1: The Problem (See attached paper)

1) A brief outline of the environment you selected (i.e., home, workplace, school)

2) A summary of your selected population health problem in terms of person, place, and time, and the magnitude of the problem based on data from appropriate data resources (Reference the data resources you used.)

3) Research question/hypothesis

Section 2: Research Methods (See attached Paper)

1) The epidemiologic study design you would use to assess and address your population health problem

2) Assessment strategies (i.e., if you were conducting a case-control study, how would you select your cases and controls? Regarding the methods and tools, you would use to make these selections, how is it convenient for you as the researcher or as the investigator to use this tool?)

3) Summary of the data collection activities (i.e., how you would collect data—online survey, paper/pen, mailing, etc.)

Section 3: The Intervention (See attached Paper for section 3 & 4 together)

1) An outline of an intervention you would implement to address the population health problem with your selected population based on the results of the study in Section 2 (Note: If you selected a descriptive study design, you are still required to outline an intervention that might be developed based on future research.)

2) A review of the literature that supports this intervention

Section 4: The Impact (See attached Paper for section 3 & 4 together)

1) An explanation of the health outcome you would be seeking and the social impact of solving this issue

Section 5: Evaluation (See attached Paper)

1) An evaluation plan based upon the health outcome that you have chosen and your anticipated results

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from appropriate Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to ensure that your in- text citations and reference list are correct.

See all previous 4 papers attached in the file area and use them to form one cohesive paper of 12 to 15-page. Incorporate the comment made by the teacher in each paper.


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