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The Case of the Misguided Supervisors in Chapter 14 of your text book.

Read The Case of the Misguided Supervisors in Chapter 14 of your text book. Use the Argosy University online library for additional research, and do the following in a Word document:

  • In 1–2 paragraphs, summarize the case and your research that relates to the case.
    • click here for more information on this paper
  • In 2–3 pages, answer the following:
    • Why would an organization care whether its supervisors speak in favor of or against union representation? Explain and justify your answer.
    • How could the hospital in this example have prepared its supervisors to understand their proper role during an organizing campaign? Explain and justify your answer.

With your answers demonstrate that your understanding of the concepts is thorough and complete. Support your assertions with evidence, citing the appropriate sources.

Apply the APA current guidelines to your work and use at least three resources in your response.

Use the following file naming convention:

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Clearly and concisely summarized the case in 1–2 paragraphs.15
Identified, explained, and justified why an organization would care whether its supervisors speak in favor of or against union representation.35
Identified, explained, and justified how the hospital in this example could have prepared its supervisors to understand their proper role during an organizing campaign.35
Applied current APA guidelines and supported assertions with evidence by using appropriate sources. Demonstrated a thorough and complete understanding of the concepts.15


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