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Business Plan for a New or Enhanced Program Service Line

Business Plan for a New or Enhanced Program Service Line
The challenge in this focused individual project is to consider what basic information should be included in the business plan of a new or enhancement of a program service line.
First step:
Begin with a definition of your service line of your choice
Second step (ALL PARTS required):
· Prepare a legible PowerPoint that includes the definition and the basic issues that should be addressed in the program service line business plan (see chapter 25 in course text):
o Title Page: name your service line
o Table of Contents
o Executive Summary
o Service Description
o The Organizational Plan: show chart
o The Marketing Plan: include basic strategies
o The Financial Plan: identify basic numbers for revenue streams and expenses. Create a mock financial income statement and balance sheet)
o Appendix (optional)
o Reference slide (not counted as part of 10 slide requirement)
· ONE slide per required section (more than 10 slides will not be graded!).
· APA IS For those that use the FIU writing center to review their work will receive 10 points of extra credit (must submit a note from the writing center).
· For those that do not follow APA you will be automatically docked 30
(Note: Refer to Chapter 25 “Putting It All Together: Creating a Business Plan”)
Identify issues to be addressed in the plan. Examples of a Service Line might include (using “Hospice” as an example:
· Will the service be delivered by the nursing home directly or contracted out (i.e., to a home care agency)?
· What are the relative costs of these two options, especially in regard to the staffing, equipment and training?
· How will the program be funded?
· Will there be an inpatient component? If so, where will the beds come from (i.e., conversion or new construction)?
· Which regulatory requirements are most germane to the program (i.e., Medicare and State)?
· How well does this business plan fit with the organizational mission, values and goals?
· Where does this program rank compared to other organizational priorities?


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