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Describe any gaps in knowledge that you found and the effects this may have on nursing practice as it relates to your change project topic.

Write a literature review of your change project topic using peer-reviewed articles and books, as well as non-research literature such as evidence-based guidelines, toolkits, and standardized procedures. Identify and cite all sources of data according to APA guidelines. The goal is to review and critique the most current research to support your change project;this research will help drive the focus of your research. Summarize the key findings and provide a transition to the methods, intervention, or clinical protocol section of your final paper.Describe any gaps in knowledge that you found and the effects this may have on nursing practice as it relates to your change project topic. The literature review should be a synthesis of how each article relates to your change project. Also, when writing your literature review, remember to include subtopics to your main topic and gather data on these areas as well.For example, if you are doing a project on cancer, then subtopics for cancer treatments should be included.

Your integrative literature review should be at least 6 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages, and must contain a minimum of 10 scholarly articles, published within the past 5 years.


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