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Describes the factors that impact health and health care delivery associated with a global health issue, showing an in-depth understanding of the relationship between a variety of factors and the quality of health care.

Background Information and Statistics on a Global Health Care Issue

Provides well-sourced background information and statistics on a global health care issue, and identifies likely causes of the health care issue.

Factors That Impact Health and Health Care Delivery Associated With a Global Health Care Issue

Describes the factors that impact health and health care delivery associated with a global health issue, showing an in-depth understanding of the relationship between a variety of factors and the quality of health care.

Influence of Altruistic Organizations on Health and Health Care Practices Associated With a Global Health Care Issue

Explains the influence of altruistic organizations on health and health care practices associated with a global health care issue, and considers the likely outcomes of being without the aid of the organizations.

How Health Care Decisions and Practices at a Local Level Relate To Health and Health Care Delivery on a Global Scale

Explains how health care decisions and practices at a local level relate to health and health care delivery on a global scale, using relevant real-world examples.

Interventions Implemented To Address a Global Health Care Issue

Describes interventions implemented to address a global health care issue, and includes both conventional and unconventional interventions.

Evidence-Based Interventions to Promote Wellness and Disease Prevention Associated With a Global Health Care Issue

Recommends evidence-based interventions to promote wellness and disease prevention associated with a global health care issue.


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