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Description/explanation of possible solutions, (c) Use/understanding of core class concepts, (d) Integration of multiple concepts from the class, and (e) Use of correct grammar, spelling and composition conventions

“Explain what you consider to the primary threat to the survival of Mark Watney on Mars.” Be sure to use the fundamental physical and physiological principles we have covered in this class in your essay.
Notes: (1) The software for Blackboard Learn will run your essay through a digital comparison with published sources, online sources, and the material of other students, so please be sure to use your own words and do not cut and paste material from any other source. If the essay you submit has substantial overlap with other sources, points will be subtracted from your final score. (2) This essay is worth 10 points toward your final grade. You will start out with 0 points; the relevant points and information you provide in the essay will cumulatively add points to your score. Misinformation or irrelevant material may cause points to be subtracted from your score. (3) This assignment will be graded on (a) Description of the problem, (b) Description/explanation of possible solutions, (c) Use/understanding of core class concepts, (d) Integration of multiple concepts from the class, and (e) Use of correct grammar, spelling and composition conventions


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