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Discuss 2 reasons why Pam may want to return to her community at this end-stage of her life. (300 words) 

Written assignment (Case Study) (30%) (2000 words)


Word Limit: 2000 words. (Suggested word breakdown beside each criterion)

Introduction: (100-200 words)

a. Using the case of Pam explore relevant literature and discuss any 3 views, attitudes, approaches or cultural aspects of culturally competent health care delivery for Indigenous Australians. (800 words)

b. Discuss 2 reasons why Pam may want to return to her community at this end-stage of her life. (300 words)

c. Maintaining culturally safe practice, consider essential discharge information including access to appropriate palliative care services you would supply to Pam and her family prior to her discharge. (500-700 words)

Conclusion: (100-200 words)


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