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Discuss why it is important for Jo and her family to have a current Asthma Action Plan prior to her discharge

Please ensure you have completed the asthma simulation which is currently up on DSO in week 5, as this
assessment continues with your nursing care of the simulation characters: Jo and her family.
This assignment is in two parts.
Part A
Discuss why it is important for Jo and her family to have a current Asthma Action Plan prior to her discharge
from hospital. In your discussion include the factors which, you as a nurse, should be considering when
developing this Asthma Action Plan. (750 words)
Part B
During her admission to the ward Jo comments that she doesn’t like to use her salbutamol inhaler at school as
one of the boys in her class teases her when she does and makes her ‘ feel like she is different’. Critically
reflect upon how this bullying behaviour may impact on Jo’s health status and what education may be needed
for Jo and her family to reduce the impact of Jo’s asthma on her day-to-day life.Document Preview: 

Please ensure you have completed the asthma simulation which is currently up on DSO in week 5, as this
assessment continues with your nursing care of the simulation characters: Jo and her family.
This assignment is in two parts.
Part A
Discuss why it is important for Jo and her family to have a current Asthma Action Plan prior to her discharge
from hospital. In your discussion include the factors which, you as a nurse, should be considering when
developing this Asthma Action Plan. (750 words)
Part B
During her admission to the ward Jo comments that she doesn’t like to use her salbutamol inhaler at school as
one of the boys in her class teases her when she does and makes her ‘ feel like she is different’. Critically
reflect upon how this bullying behaviour may impact on Jo’s health status and what education may be needed
for Jo and her family to reduce the impact of Jo’s asthma on her day-to-day life.




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