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Ethical dilemmas occur when a situation requires an individual to choose among alternatives that create a values conflict

Ethical dilemmas occur when a situation requires an individual to choose among alternatives that create a values conflict among stakeholders. In these situations, a conflict develops between the personal moral philosophy of the employees and the organization’s goals or culture. (Introduction, para. 4)

Organizations are always at risk for ethical dilemmas of some kind. Without revealing names of specific individuals, explain how an organization similar to the one you currently work in, or an organization that you may be aware of, is at risk for ethical dilemmas. Why is this? What other fields are at risk?

You may also use the Ashford University Library to research ethical dilemmas. You will find many articles related to the nursing industry.

Guided Response Be sure to properly attribute your source(s) when posting your response. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts, allowing enough time for them to respond.


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