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Explains the response to a global event at the local and national levels, and describes how the response impacted outcomes.   

These questions are regarding the earthquake in Haiti:

The Response to a Global Event at the Local and National Levels

Explains the response to a global event at the local and national levels, and describes how the response impacted outcomes.

How Social Attitudes and Issues of Race, Class, and/or Gender May Impact the Response to a Global Event

Explains how social attitudes and issues of race, class, and/or gender may impact the response to a global event, providing real-world examples that add clarity and insight.

The Role of International and Altruistic Organizations in Providing Health Care Services during a Global Event

Explains the role of international and altruistic organizations in providing health care services during a global event, and considers how professional nursing can play a greater part within the organizations.

The Role of the Professional Nurse in Providing Health Care Services Related to Global Events

Explains the role of the professional nurse in providing health care services related to global events, addresses scope of practice when working outside the area of license, and explores the contribution of nursing to positive outcomes.

Barriers to Health Care Services during a Global Event

Describes barriers to health care services during a global event and offers evidence-based strategies to overcome barriers.


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