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How have the changing definitions of diversity affected healthcare management and the delivery of healthcare services?  

Discussion 1

Cultural Diversity in Healthcare

Read over the information in Chapter 3 of your course text. Provide a substantive 150 to 250 word initial post that fully answers the following questions:

  • How have the changing definitions of diversity affected healthcare management and the delivery of healthcare services?
  • What is the value of a culturally competent healthcare organization and its staff?  How would you measure cultural competence in your organization?
  • If you were in charge of an organization with low cultural competency and a highly diverse workforce, what programs would you implement for your organization and why?

Utilize at least one scholarly source, cited in correct APA format that supports factual statements and conclusions about the topic.

Discussion 2

Healthcare Ethics and Law

A woman arrives at a suburban emergency room in active labor. Both she and her husband speak very little English. The staff determines that the mother (and baby) is uninsured and unable to pay for healthcare services out-of-pocket. The baby is showing signs of distress and needs to be delivered. The on-call OB-GYN physician refuses to come to the hospital. He recommends that the patient be transferred to another facility.  Provide a substantive 150 to 250 word initial post that fully answers the following questions:

  • What ethical principles relate to this case scenario?
  • What legal principles relate to this scenario?
  • What might the legal consequences be to the health care organization if there is a delay in treatment?

Utilize at least one scholarly source, cited in correct APA format that supports factual statements and conclusions about the topic.


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