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Human Resources Management: Case Study

Human Resources Management: Case Study

Happy Valley Hospital is a community-based health care facility with a reputation for providing quality health care services to the residents of Happy Valley and its surrounding markets. The hospital has a 288-bed acute care facility with a twelve suite family oriented birthing center, a forty four bed long-term care inpatient facility, and a fourteen bed inpatient rehabilitation unit.

Happy Valley has two major competitors, CMC and GH. CMC have four hundred beds and is a tertiary acute care facility. It specializes in women and children’s services, serves as the regional trauma center, has a large and active emergency department, and provides cardiac services, including open-heart surgery. GH has two hundred beds, a small cancer center, and a kidney dialysis unit.

Happy Valley Hospital has received numerous recognition awards for excellence in health care during the past five years. Because of its reputation for clinical excellence, it has not had difficulty in retaining its nursing and clinical staff.c


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