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Identify a public health issue for which you are interested in developing a public health campaign.

DUE 3/2/18 8 P.M EST



To begin developing a campaign, first identify a public health issue which you are interested in. Then research the public health issue to determine whether it is actually a critical issue. For example, if you want to help reduce drug use among urban youth, you need to investigate whether this is a critical issue among that group or if there are other more pressing issues. Research is an essential component to building an effective public health campaign. You must also consider what marketing strategies you might employ and how you might utilize public relations with your target audience.

For this Discussion, revisit the media titled “Introduction to Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations for Public Health Leaders”. Consider the steps needed to create a public health campaign for the public health issue that interests you. In addition, review the article “Farmers sun exposure, skin protection, and public health campaigns: An Australian Perspective” and pay particular attention to the steps taken to develop this campaign. Finally, review the media titled “Introduction to Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations for Public Health Leaders” and think about how communication of public health issues is vital to the role of a public health leader.

Develop a 1000-word Discussion post that addresses the following:

1) Identify a public health issue for which you are interested in developing a public health campaign.

2) Explain why this issue warrants a public health campaign.

3) Identify a key element of health communication that is essential for a public health leader, in particular a leader who wishes to address the issue you have selected.

4) Describe one potential challenge of developing a campaign for your public health issue and explain one way you might address the challenge.


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