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Identify and describe the attributes that make this nurse a role model for you.

Continuing with the course project you started in Week 1, this week, you will interview a professional nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) who could be a mentor to you.


Interview a professional nurse with a BSN who could be a mentor to you and who exemplifies the type of nurse you want to become.

Write a 1- to 2-page interview report. In your report, include the following:

  • Identify and describe the attributes that make this nurse a role model for you.
    click here for more information on this paper
  • Explain the beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies this nurse demonstrates and relate it to your long-term goals.

Support your responses with examples from the readings or articles from the South University Online Library.

Use APA 6th Edition when formatting your assignment.

1 Emerging
2 Proficient
3 Exemplary
4 Score
Assignment Components
Described the attributes that make the identified BSN nurse a role model. The attributes were not reflected in the assignment. The attributes
described were unclear. Most of the attributes were described. All attributes that identified the BSN nurse as a role model were described. [Score x 6 = 24 pts]
Analyzed, explained, and provided reasons on whether the beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies this
nurse demonstrates relate to your long- term goals. Lacked explanation on whether the beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies this nurse demonstrates relate to long-term goals. The explanation was incomplete on whether the beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies this nurse demonstrated relate to long-term goals. Explained well whether the beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies this nurse demonstrated relate to long-term goals. Thoroughly analyzed, explained, and provided reasons on the beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies of the nurse. [Score x 6 = 24 pts]
Described the role of the nurse based on beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies. Lacked information on role of the nurse. Described briefly the role of the nurse. Described the role of the nurse based on beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies adequately. Described with thoroughness the role of the nurse on beliefs, values, attitudes, and philosophies correctly. [Score x 8 = 32 pts]
Written Components


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