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Interview with a Nurse Leader

Interview with a Nurse Leader

Interviewer Form

Your Name:                                                               Date:

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Your Instructor’s Name:

CriteriaFill in the answers in this column.
Indicate 2 scholarly resources or texts used prior to the interview to familiarize yourself with the individual’s organization, role, or any of the questions you plan to ask that will make you a more knowledgeable interviewer.Resource #1:
Resource # 2:
Demographics: Provide initials, credentials, job title, and length in present position of the registered nurse interviewee. Include the date and time the interview was conducted. Provide a working phone number for instructor follow-up if needed.
Required Questions(Ask the interviewee about EVERY topic in this section)
Scope of responsibility: Major responsibilities, direct reports, and operational budget
Organizational mission, vision, values, and beliefs
Strategic planning related to ONE core competency (name the core competency)
Role of BSN-prepared nurse to support the strategic plan
Practice Impact Question(Reflect on the interview afterwards to ask yourself this question and provide it below.)
How does completing this interview impact your practice as a BSN-prepared nurse? Give specific examples.

Interview With a Nurse Leader:



The following is the purpose of this assignment,

  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nurse Leader in a selected healthcare organization.
  • Review the organization’s mission, vision, values, and beliefs.
  • Discuss the Nurse Leader’s strategic plan as it relates to The Institute of Medicine’s Quality initiatives and ONE of the following five core competencies.

1) Provide patient-centered care

2) Work in interdisciplinary/interprofessional teams

3) Employ evidence-based practice

4) Apply quality improvement

5) Utilize informatics

  • Articulate the role of the BSN-prepared nurse to support the strategic plan related to selected IOM core competency.
  • Articulate what was learned from time spent with interviewee and how own nursing practice will change as a result of the encounter and completion of this assignment.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

  1. click here for more information on this paper

CO 1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO #2)

CO 3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO #7)


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