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This assignment is due on Sunday May 26, 2013 at 10
am EST . It is important to respond to all the bullets points following closely
the instructions, and also using APA format . The similarity scores cannot be
more than 15% for this assignments. In
text citation must be use throughout the entire assignment. Scholarly sources
must be used as indicated in the questions , and the writer must chose a
population or neighborhood that he will
have access to much information as this is a continues assignment that
willI willbe written on for some weeks as you can see
in the paragraph below . It is important to properly read the instructions and
address the questions to it entirety using proper APA edition 6th , that’s
in including a properly formatted running head and paper number , title page , abstract
, introduction , literature review as requested , in text citation , a
conclusion , and finally a reference page all
in APA format. The paper is supposed to be a minimum of 700 words
document (not including title and reference page ) Proper grammar must also be
use .Document Preview: 

This assignment is due on Sunday May 26, 2013 at 10 am EST . It is important to respond to all the bullets points following closely the instructions, and also using APA format . The similarity scores cannot be more than 15% for this assignments. In text citation must be use throughout the entire assignment. Scholarly sources must be used as indicated in the questions , and the writer must chose a population or neighborhood that he will have access to much information as this is a continues assignment that will I will be written on for some weeks as you can see in the paragraph below . It is important to properly read the instructions and address the questions to it entirety using proper APA edition 6th , that’s in including a properly formatted running head and paper number , title page , abstract , introduction , literature review as requested , in text citation , a conclusion , and finally a reference page all in APA format. The paper is supposed to be a minimum of 700 words document (not including title and reference page ) Proper grammar must also be use .
Your final Key Assignment for this course will include a written community health teaching intervention based on assessment. It will also include a brief teaching plan and description of your actual educational session or class with a group comprised of your community members or in a setting frequented by members of your population. Your final assignment should include knowledge gained from your library research of your issue, a windshield survey, an interview with a key member of the community, and the PowerPoint teaching aid preparations that you completed during the previous weeks
To prepare for this final Key Assignment, this week’s assignment will require background research of the issues involved and a design of a health promotion intervention that strategically responds to all of your findings.
•Select the following:
?A population or neighborhood
?A targeted health problem affecting the…



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