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Outline the causes, incidence and risk identification of causes, causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk factors causes, incidences and riskfactors of the selected disease and how it incidences and risk factors. factors. factors. Provides minimal understanding factors.

Outline the causes, incidence and risk identification of causes, causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk factors causes, incidences and riskfactors of the selected disease and how it incidences and risk factors. factors. factors. Provides minimal understanding factors..

Outline the causes, incidence and risk identification of causes, causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk factors causes, incidences and risk
factors of the selected disease and how it incidences and risk factors. factors. factors. Provides minimal understanding factors.

Assessment Task 2 – Case Study

Students are to choose one (1) of the case studies available on LEO and answer the associated questions. This assignment is to be presented in a question/answer format and not as an essay
(i.e. no introduction or conclusion). Each answer has a word limit and must be supported with appropriate references.

A Reference List must be provided at the end of the assignment

For more comprehensive information on this assessment task, including the case studies for this assessment task, please refer to the ‘My Assessments’ Folder in LEO .

Due date: 20th September 2015 at 2359 hrs

Weighting: 40%

Length and/or format: 1600 words

Purpose: This assessment task is designed to assess the knowledge and

skills related to nursing care of individuals experiencing acute

medical health alterations, and the best practice in managing this


Specific focus will be on students researching the pathophysiology

of the relevant disease, the pharmacology of medications used to

manage the disease, and the evidence based nursing care required

to look after these patients, while supporting this information with

appropriate references.

Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

How to submit: Students will be required to submit this assignment through the

Turnitin dropbox

Return of assignment: Case study submissions will be returned to students 3 weeks after

the due date via the Turnitin dropbox

.Assessment criteria: This assessment task will be marked according to the marking

rubric over the page.

Assessment Task 2: Case Study – Marking Rubric (40%)

Criterion High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory

Linked to case study Linked to case study Linked to case study Linked to case study Not linked to case study
Q1 Provides comprehensive Provides a solid indication of Provides an identification of Provides minimal identification of Does not identify appropriate
Outline the causes, incidence and risk identification of causes, causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk factors causes, incidences and risk
factors of the selected disease and how it incidences and risk factors. factors. factors. Provides minimal understanding factors.
Provides comprehensive Provides a solid understanding of Provides an understanding of the of the diseases impact on patient Does not identify the impact on
can impact on the patient and their family
understanding of the disease the disease impact on patient and disease impact on patient and and family the patient and family
(400 words – 20%)
impact on patient and family family family

Q2 Provides a comprehensive look at Identifies five (5) signs and Identifies five (5) signs and Identifies five (5) common signs Does not identify five (5) signs and
List five (5) common signs and symptoms the identified five (5) common symptoms symptoms and symptoms symptoms
of the selected disease, and for each one signs and symptoms Provides a thorough link to Provides a solid link to Provides basic links to Does not link to appropriate
provide a link to the underlying
Provides a comprehensive link to pathophysiology pathophysiology pathophysiology. pathophysiology.
pathophysiology (350 words -15%)

Q3 Two (2) classes of drugs Two (2) classes of drugs Two (2) classes of drugs One (1) class identified in Drugs identifies not appropriate
appropriately identified. appropriately identified. appropriately identified. appropriate
Describe two (2) common classes of drugs No identification of physiological

used for patients with the selected disease A comprehensive understanding A thorough understanding of the Some understanding of Minimal identification of effect on the body
including physiological effect of each class and explanation of the physiological effects on the body physiological effects on the body physiological effect on the body
on the body (350 words – 15%) physiological effects on the body

Q4 The care plan was articulate, The care plan was cohesive and The care plan was cohesive and A logical care plan was presented There is little/no cohesion to the
Identify and outline, in order of priority logical, balanced and convincing. logical. A sound attempt at logical.Some attempt at analysis but mostly descriptive. Some flow of the case study. Broad
A diverse range of perspectives analysis and critique from a range and critique was made. A number structure to ideas with generalisations are made.
the nursing care strategies you, as the
offered. All important aspects are of perspectives was also made. of key areas are covered satisfactory explanation of some Irrelevant content and
registered nurse, should use within the
covered demonstrating Most of the key areas are covered demonstrating a clear key areas provided. A basic unstructured points are made.
first 24 hours post admission for this
comprehensive knowledge of the demonstrating an advanced understanding of the important understanding was demonstrated. Key areas are not addressed.
patient (500 words – 40%)
key areas. understanding of the important issues. Minimal understanding is

issues. demonstrated.

NRSG353 Acute Care Nursing 2, Semester 2 2015 Page 17 of 19

Referencing An extensive range of relevant An extensive range of relevant Satisfactory use of literature with Satisfactory use of literature. Unsatisfactory use of literature.
literature utilised with literature utilised with appropriate interpretation & Some attempt to interpret & No attempt to interpret & apply

5% sophisticated interpretation and appropriate interpretation & application. apply the literature is evident. the literature is evident.
analysis. application. Mostly accurate referencing using Mostly accurate referencing using Not accurate referencing using

Accurate referencing using APA Accurate referencing using APA APA format. APA format. APA format.
format. format.

Presentation Within 10% of word limit Within 10% of word limit Within 10% of word limit Within 10% of word limit More than 10% over word limit

5% Flawless presentation High standard of written Effective written communication Effective written communication Multiple errors in spelling and
communication with few errors of with few errors of spelling, and although a number or errors of grammar
spelling, and grammar grammar spelling and grammar Structure does not flow

topics are not linked appropriately

Final Grade /100 Marker:

TEXTS AND REFERENCES: ?Required text(s) ?
. Farrell, M., & Dempsey, J. (2014). Smeltzer and Bare’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing (3rd Australian and New Zealand ed.). Sydney: Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
. ?McCance, K., & Huether, S. (2014). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (7th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier/Mosby.
. ?McKenna, L. & Lim, A. G. (2012). Pharmacology for nursing and midwifery. (1st Australian and New Zealand Edition). Broadway: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
. ?Tollefson, J. (2012). Clinical psychomotor skills: Assessment tools for nursing students (5th ed.). South Melbourne: Cengage Learning ?
Recommended references
Berman, A., Snyder, S., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Levett-Jones, T., Dwyer, T., et al. (2012). Kozier and Erb’s fundamentals of nursing. (2nd Australian ed.) French’s Forest, NSW: Pearson Australia.
Jarvis, C. Australian Adapting Editors Forbes, H., Watt, E,. (2012). Physical Examination & Health Assessment (Australian and New Zealand Edition.). Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier/ Saunders
Martini F., Nath J & Bartholomew E. (2012). Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. (9th edn). San Francisco: Pearson.

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2006). National competency standards for the registered nurse. Retrieved from Guidelines-Statements/Codes- Guidelines.aspx
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2013). Codes and guidelines. Retrieved from Guidelines-Statements/Codes- Guidelines.aspx
Perrin, R. (2012) Pocket guide to APA Style (4th ed.) Boston Massachusetts: Wadsworth/ Cengage Learning. (Highly recommended).
Tiziani, A. (2010). Havard’s nursing guide to drugs. (8th edn). Sydney: Mosby/Elsevier




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The post Outline the causes, incidence and risk identification of causes, causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk factors causes, incidences and riskfactors of the selected disease and how it incidences and risk factors. factors. factors. Provides minimal understanding factors. appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.

Outline the causes, incidence and risk identification of causes, causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk causes, incidences and risk factors causes, incidences and riskfactors of the selected disease and how it incidences and risk factors. factors. factors. Provides minimal understanding factors.


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