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Style of Leadership

Style of Leadership

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Please address a 1 -1.5 page(s) discussion citing the references below including references page in APA format. Note: Please use only references that have been provided and if you must w/in the last 5 years relevant to topic. Please address it from an informatics nursing view.

Effective leaders have a high degree of self-awareness and know how to leverage their strengths in the workplace. Assessments are a valuable tool that professionals can use to learn more about themselves and consider how their temperament and preferences influence their interactions with others.

To further your self-knowledge, you are required to complete the Kiersey Temperament Sorter and the DiSC assessment, as indicated in this week’s Learning Resources. In addition, you are encouraged to take or review additional assessments (e.g., Myers-Briggs, a 360-degree evaluation) on your own.

As you engage in this learning process, it is important to remember that everyone—regardless of temperament type or related preferences—experiences some challenges with regard to leadership. The key to success is being able to recognize and leverage your own strengths while honoring differences among your colleagues.

To prepare:

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  • Review the results of your leadership style inventories. Save a copy of your results for future reference. In addition, you are encouraged to complete additional assessments.
  • What aspects of your results surprised you? What aspects of your results were as you might have expected?
  • Think about the leadership example(s) you identified in the Discussion, your assessment results, and the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources. Have they helped you to form a more comprehensive view of yourself as a leader? What insights have arisen with regard to:

o    How you, personally, evaluate leadership effectiveness

o    Your own leadership style, preferences, and strengths

o    Potential challenges or areas in which you need to strengthen your leadership skills and competencies

  • Begin to create a plan for maximizing your strengths as a leader and neutralizing your weaknesses.

To complete:

Write a 1- to 2-pagepaper that addresses the following:

  • Summarize your leadership style, including your strengths for leading others. Refer to specific information from your inventory results, as well as insights gained from the Learning Resources and any research you completed on your own.
  • Describe potential challenges that you have experienced in the past or could foresee related to your leadership style.


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