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. Explain how accountability, authority, and responsibility relate to delegation.

Visit the American Nurses Association site on healthcare policy at What are the current policy issues addressed? How would you apply them to nursing leadership?

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2. Explain how accountability, authority, and responsibility relate to delegation.

3. Review the Five “Rs” (reengineering the health care organization, redesigning the workforce, re-regulating professional practice, rightsizing the workforce, and restructuring nursing education.)related to Change and Decision Making in Action  Select one of the “Rs” and describe how you have been involved in change or will be involved in change either in your prelicensure program or after obtaining your license. Was this change a comfortable or uncomfortable time in your life? Explain.

4. Keep in mind that completing this TD is the key to assisting you with the Week 4 Assignment, My Leadership Development SMART Goal. Use the format below to develop a leadership SMART goal for YOURSELF, not your organization or department. The goal needs to be related to ONE of the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) quality initiative, which includes the five core healthcare profession competencies. One of these competencies will serve as a framework for identification of your leadership goal.

The five core healthcare profession competencies outlined by the IOM are listed in Finkelman (2012) in Section II. You should review the appropriate chapter prior to posting.


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