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What are the advantages and disadvantages of process and outcome measures of quality?

You have recently been hired to improve the quality of services at a healthcare organization. Your supervisor would like to hear about your plans for improvement. In particular she wants you to send her an e-mail answering the following question:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of process and outcome measures of quality?


Discussion Board 3-4 paragraphs

Health care continues to create new services to provide care to patients that are cost-effective and efficient. With the aging population, more emphasis is being place on skilled nursing facilities (nursing homes), assisted living facilities (ALFs), and continuing care communities (CCCs) in particular.

Identify a specific skilled nursing facility (nursing homes), assisted living  facility (ALFs), and continuing care community (CCCs) in your community and discuss the similarities and differences between this organization’s structure, staffing profile, and service emphasis compared to general acute care hospitals that also provide care to the elderly.


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